The recent ugly incidents in Andhra Pradesh State Assembly involving verbal abuse between the Telugu Desam Party legislators and YSR Congress party members, finally culminating in suspension of YSRCP MLA R K Roja for one year, has projected the august Assembly in a bad light.
All these incidents are avoidable, if the members maintain dignity and decorum in the House. This is the simple remedy. However, the so-called intellectuals, who attended a meeting convened by Speaker Kodela Sivaprasada Rao the other day to discuss the situation in the Assembly, came out with a strange suggestion: “ban live telecast of the Assembly proceedings.”
They felt that the MLAs are crossing their limits and resorting to ugly scenes only to project themselves as heroes in the eyes of the public because of the live telecast of the proceedings.
The media, too, is projecting the Assembly in a bad light by repeatedly telecasting the ugly scenes, they felt.
This is ridiculous. The telecast of the proceedings was introduced only to make the people know how their elected representatives are bringing their issues to the notice of the government. This way, they can judge the performance of the MLAs.
Instead of asking the MLAs to behave properly and act in a dignified manner, the intellectuals are blaming it on the media!
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